Schedule and Syllabus

Supplementary material

KOR SUB (~lecture 5)

Event TypeDateDescriptionCourse Materials
Lecture 1 July 13 Image Classification
The data-driven approach
K-nearest neighbor
Linear classification I
[slides] [video]
[python/numpy tutorial]
[image classification notes]
[linear classification notes]
Lecture 2 July 20 Loss Functions and Optimization
Linear classification II
Higher-level representations, image features
Optimization, stochastic gradient descent
[slides] [video]
[linear classification notes]
[optimization notes]
Lecture 3 July 27 Introduction to Neural Networks
Multi-layer Perceptrons
The neural viewpoint
[slides] [video]
[backprop notes]
[linear backprop example]
[derivatives notes] (optional)
[Efficient BackProp] (optional)
related: [1], [2], [3] (optional)
A1 Due August 3 Assignment #1 due
kNN, SVM, SoftMax, two-layer network
[Assignment #1]
Lecture 4 August 3 Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolution and pooling
ConvNets outside vision
[slides] [video]
ConvNet notes
Lecture 5 August 10 Training Neural Networks, part I
Activation functions, initialization, dropout, batch normalization,
[slides] [video]
Neural Nets notes 1
Neural Nets notes 2
Neural Nets notes 3
tips/tricks: [1], [2], [3] (optional)
Deep Learning [Nature] (optional)
Lecture 6 August 17 Training Neural Networks, part II
Update rules, ensembles, data augmentation, transfer learning
[slides] [video]
Neural Nets notes 4
Presentation Auguest 17 Assignment #1 presentation
Speaker: Seunghoon Yoo
Lecture 7 August 24 Deep Learning Hardware and Software
PyTorch, TensorFlow
Dynamic vs Static computational graphs
[slides] [video]
A2 Due August 31 Assignment #2 due
Neural networks, ConvNets
[Assignment #2]
Presentation September 7 Assignment #2 presentation
Speaker: Jaemin Jo